New Patient Booking

Initial Doctor's Appointment

Please note:

– Associate Doctor appointments are with Dr Emily Lacey and Dr Rob Douglas

– Co-founder appointments are with Dr Isobel Wilson, Dr Andie Siggers and Dr Priya Bhana

– Breast Cancer Service appointments are with Dr Amy Walker

Initial Nutritional Therapy

– Please note, that if you are an existing patient of Mosaic Medical and you have seen a doctor, you can book a 1-hour initial consultation and your doctor will liaise directly with your Nutritional Therapist before your appointment
– If you have not seen a Mosaic Medical doctor before your Nutritional Therapy appointment, please book a 1.5-hour initial consultation and complete the intake forms that will be sent to you prior to your appointment

Please Note

Both Dr Isobel Wilson and Dr Andie Siggers have waiting lists in place for new patients. Dr Priya Bhana has availability from January.

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