Terms and Conditions

Please take time to read the following terms carefully. They are important and form the basis of your agreement with your doctor at Mosaic Medical.

Communication with your GP

In order to comply with our medical regulator, the GMC, we would like to communicate with your GP in order for them to continue to have a full set of your medical records. This will be in instances such as:

To inform them that we are involved in your care as a courtesy
To inform them if we generate a medical prescription
To request assistance such as generating a referral

In the event that you are not in agreement with this communication we will of course respect your decision but there are certain medications that we may not be able to prescribe.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation by you If you need to postpone your appointment, please contact us as soon as you can. We will endeavour to accommodate your new requirements although please note than we are normally unable to accept postponements for appointments due to take place within 3 working days of the date of the request. If you cancel or request a postponement of your appointment less than 3 business days in advance you are likely to be liable for the full fee payable for your appointment, unless we are able to make an appointment for another patient at the time we were due to see you. Please note there is a £25 charge if rescheduling is done more than 3 times. In the event that you cancel outside of this timeframe then you will be entitled to a refund less a £10 admin charge. When a refund is generated our finance system takes 5-10 days for the refund to arrive in your account.

Cancellation by us We reserve the right to cancel your appointment and/or cease to provide services to you if we believe that we are unable to offer services which will be of benefit to you. We may also cancel your appointment if we are unable to provide services to you for reasons beyond our control, including unavailability of staff or premises. We will not charge for any appointments cancelled for
these reasons.

As a practice we send out a monthly newsletter containing important information such as any Christmas closure dates and changes of personnel. In addition we include recipes and health tips. We assume initially that you are in agreement with this but you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time using the link on the email.

Acute or New Symptoms

We do not provide acute medical care; if you develop acute symptoms (even while you are attending our clinic) you must report back to your GP or contact 999/111 or your local hospital for acute medical treatment. We do not replace other hospital or GP treatment. We also do not replace other conventional, alternative or other medicine such as Chinese medicine. If, at any stage, alteration of medications becomes necessary, then we will (with your permission) write to your GP requesting them to make those changes, if they are in full agreement to doing so.

We empower patients to take charge and be the main driver of their health. In this context, the final outcome depends on individual commitment, contribution and passion. For this reason, we cannot guarantee a particular outcome from the advice and assessment carried out in our clinic because everybody is unique and will assimilate the matter in their own style.

Patients enrolled in our clinic cannot assume that their risk of disease or symptoms will immediately react or reduce. The outcomes and associated timelines depend on the severity of the baseline condition, the length of time that the condition has been present and each patient’s unique reaction to the possible avenues for treatment of which there may be several valid pathways.

Patients should understand that our clinic is designed to empower them to improve their health by providing technical, scientific and medical support and that this is a two-way process. The majority of time spent on the programme will be outside of any formal or informal consultation process and so in order to achieve success, patients are necessarily the main drivers of their well-being and should approach their treatment plan with a willingness to take full responsibility for their choices and overall outcomes.

Sharing of Clinical Information
Your practitioner may want to share some information with third parties to support your ongoing healthcare. If we do not receive this consent from you, we will not be able to coordinate your healthcare with that provided by other providers which means the healthcare provided by us may be less effective. An example of this is that a pharmacy would require your contact details and the details of the medication prescribed. Third parties will only receive information on an ‘as required’ basis.

We may also need to share your contact information with biochemical testing companies to order tests as part of your healthcare and occasionally may discuss any unexpected results with laboratory experts, some of which may be from outside of the UK. In addition, we have regular internal clinical meetings within Mosaic Medical in order to review complex cases and work as a team to improve outcomes. At these meetings we share information but not contact details.

Arranging appointments
Your appointments can be booked online or via email. We use a secure medical records system to collect your information. The system uses multiple-choice questions to assist you in entering some of the required information and will also check that you have made entries in all required places. The website does not, however, verify that any information you have entered is correct. You must therefore check the information you have entered carefully for any errors before you submit it. Once we have accepted your appointment request, we will issue a confirmation email detailing your appointment. An agreement exists once we have issued the confirmation email. It is important that
you check the confirmation email carefully and if you believe any of the details on it are incorrect you should contact us immediately.

Your practitioner works with an admin team who are bound by practice confidentiality guidelines. The admin team will be able to arrange appointments for you and should be your first line of contact for any queries. They do not have clinical knowledge so will involve your doctor/NT as needed. The admin team are unable to alter your medical records in any way but in order to arrange appointments or answer simple queries for you they are able to access your records in a manner which is in keeping with the UK Caldicott principles only

When preparing for your initial appointment your doctor will review any uploaded documentation/test results. If this requires more than 30 minutes of doctor time, you will be asked if you would like your doctor to review them, and be charged pro rata the hourly rate.

When you are contacted by the patient coordinator prior to your initial appointment evidence of your identification will be checked. Please use the ID upload link sent through to provide this.

The fees quoted on our website and in our printed material are in pounds sterling and are subject to change without notice. Prices displayed on our website at any moment in time supersede all other prices previously displayed or that appear in any advertisements, printed material, or other places. Once you have made your appointment, the cost of the appointment will not be subject to any change. This does not apply to invoice errors or omissions. Once a booking has been accepted, offers and discounts cannot be applied retrospectively. Unless otherwise stated, fees include any applicable VAT and other UK taxes.

Email Policy
Due to the extreme pressure of email requests to the clinic we do have to restrict the time allocated to answering emails. If emails require medical advice to be provided then we will have to request that a short 15 minute appointment is booked due to our insurance. We are happy to answer simple queries over email and will endeavour to answer your email within 2 working days.

We would like you to benefit from our services. If you have any problems, we want to put them right as quickly as we can. If there is anything you are not happy with, please contact your doctor, or the Mosaic Medical team at hello@mosaic-medical.com

You can review our Complaints Procedure by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

Supplement Use
Use of nutritional supplements may be safely recommended for patients already using pharmaceutical medications (drugs), but some potentially harmful interactions may occur. For this reason, it is important to keep all of your healthcare providers fully informed about all medications and nutritional supplements, herbs, or hormones you may be taking. The Mosaic Medical Team would advise you to continue with medications and treatment plans prescribed by specialists and your GP until a point when our interventions result in you being able to safely make changes and not before. At that point we would advise you to discuss with your GP / specialist before stopping any medication.

For clarity we will send you a discount code to use when you purchase supplements. The supplement companies give us a small referral fee for this but give you a discount too – if you can find the same product elsewhere on line cheaper please purchase it there. But make sure it is exactly the same brand, formulation etc as not all supplements or vitamins are equal.

We use several different laboratories for functional medicine tests. Your doctor will discuss the relevant tests with you. Once you have decided to go ahead with a particular test, you will be invoiced for it and your test kit will be ordered upon receipt of payment.

The price quoted on your invoice will include a minimal administrative fee. It may also include a reading fee if the test results require time for interpretation and analysis prior to your appointment.

If you have already arranged your own test and want your doctor to review the results, there will be reading fee added to your invoice for the appointment. You can query the reading fee with the admin team.

Test prices may not include postage/delivery fees and may not include phlebotomy charges either. Please clarify this with your doctor or the admin team if you are unsure.

Some of our tests are not standard NHS tests. We are doing these based on evidence; however, they may not be part of national guidelines, hence your GP may not be familiar with these tests and question the validity of them.

Medical Records System
We use a platform called Semble to securely keep medical records, to manage our appointment dairy and for invoicing purposes. For a full description of their Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, please visit https://www.semble.io/terms-of-service

We also use a medical transcribing service called Heidi for consultation notes. This is not a recording service. For a full description of their Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and UKGDPR policy, please visit https://www.heidihealth.com/uk

Your doctor is bound by and will always adhere to the General Medical Council Code of Conduct and our nutritional therapists similarly adhere to BANT guidelines.

You will be asked to sign the terms and conditions prior to your first consultation. Any questions, please feel free to email the admin team on hello@mosaic-medical.com

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