Cranmer 1

Introducing Dr Emily Lacey

Associate Doctor, MBChB, AFMCP

Emily is a Functional Medicine doctor based in Cornwall. She has previously worked in many areas of healthcare – as a Healthcare assistant, a nurse and more recently as an acute hospital based doctor. This has been in the hunt for better, individualised, and fully holistic care. Emily has a huge amount of gratitude for the acute services we can offer within the NHS but is a firm believer that with more time and understanding, the body has an immense capacity to heal from the vast array of chronic conditions that infiltrate our communities.

A combination of being raised by a psychotherapist, training with the armed forces and the NHS at home and abroad and working with some incredibly inspiring patients has meant that Emily has personally and professionally witnessed the dynamic interplay between physical and mental health and has become fascinated with the subtleties in between. It is truly a passion to continue to learn about the intricacies of mind, body and spirit along with the impact of our environments, our traumas and our genetics. Emily is keen to work in a world which focuses on improving our health rather than purely treating our diseases.

Emily has undergone training with the Institute of Functional Medicine and completed advanced training in Gastrointestinal health, Cardiometabolic Health, Immunology, Environmental health, Hormone health and Bioenergetics. Emily views our bodies as a community living inside a community living inside a community. All of which are symbiotically living in harmony from the bacteria in our guts through to the environment around us. By focussing on realigning this symbiosis instead of segmenting the body, we will likely find the root cause of poor health.

Outside of medicine, Emily is easily pleased with most activities outdoors. Having completed many expeditions with the military she feels that she isa jack of all trades yet master of none. Living in Cornwall with her husband-to-be, she has wonderful access to coast paths and cliffs which make for beautiful running. A cold morning ocean dip is high on my list of rituals but, for Emily, there is nothing more grounding than a sunset surf.

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